Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back to the Future

Being a senior next semester, I've to think of so many stuffs. What am I gonna do after graduating?

Getting a decent job?

Furthering my studies in graduate level?

Getting married and live happily ever after?

The second one attracts me the most. However, it demands me to do a lot of preparations. Sitting for GRE, applying for scholarship, securing a place at a university, filling in so many forms *hate this* and the list goes on and on.

Getting a job is also interesting especially when I love doing lab work right now. Kalau ya pun mahu kerja, have to apply for one, go to interview and stuffs. Itu pun belum tentu dapat.

Life is never a bed of roses. Ya Allah, I'm praying for your guidance.


  1. kahwin la lg best. isi 1 borang je. haha

  2. susah jugak. byk preparation. after kawin lg susa huhu
