Thursday, July 8, 2010

Of Jabulani and World Cup

People are now paying their attention to FIFA World Cup. Do you know what's behind it? The agenda, how they control our mind and what's the connection of Free Mason with all of these stuffs?

The official ball itself is controversial. The name, Jabulani, as exposed by this website is the name of their God. Are we worshipping their God? No, we don't wanna we that stupid. There are still a lot more controversies lingering around this football (yes soccer) thingy.

Open your mind. Open your eyes. Wake up. Do your own research. It's hard to believe until you see it yourself.

Disclaimer: I don't ask you guys to give an immediate conclusion based on what I've written. Use your mind and translate it in your own way. It's your call to believe it or not.

Thank God I don't really like football.


  1. mari beli bola dan pijak nama tuhan mereka.. sounds good,isnt it?

  2. yea menarik2. hmm this issue is too complicated sbb our lives are surrounded by it. dunno what to say. pening bila fikir
