Friday, June 25, 2010


Gila bola. Makan bola. Tido bola. Minum bola. Everything bola.

Haih. I can't understand why people can get head over heels on football, (erm soccer I mean).

I guess soccer is a guy thing, can't be separated from them. Sometimes I get annoyed with girls who doesn't know anything about soccer, suddenly talking about players. Girls usually only know about players, the good-looking ones, not the game itself. What's the point of watching the match kalau macam tu? Oh please! Tapi yang betul2 faham tu okay lah. Bukan tengok kosong sampai rules pun tak tahu.

The only memory that I have on World Cup is on 2002, the one that's held in South Korea and Japan. Masa tu tengok banyaklah sikit game. The team that I kept my eyes on was Turkey, I don't know why, I guess maybe they have a player named Ilhan Mansiz, which is close to my name. Oh ye, masa tu ada lagi Zidane, Kahn and Beckham. Matches sangat menarik to be watched. I don't really know top players now. Just know a few players like Ronaldo and Messi.

Apa pun, I hope guys won't be too oblivious to surroundings when they watch the matches. I don't have any favorite team this year, but I hope England will be out haha.

My favorite player : )