Friday, August 13, 2010

The Day After Tomorrow

I'll leave home this Sunday. wawawawa T_T

Packing pun belum siap. Just 10% I'd say. I'm sooo not ready to go.

Being thousand miles away from family taught me a lot. Only now I realize that I love my family sooo damn much and how really close we are.

Mi, Abah, jangan rindu2 sangat. Takpe, tahun depan I'll be back for good with a degree insyaAllah :)

*Jejak Rasul: Srikandi is an eye-opener :)*


  1. uwaaa e, kita serupa. me too feels the same way as u :(
    cuba bertahan untuk setahun lagi. ayuh kita boleh!

  2. boleh! huhu. sedihlah tapi. e nk balik esok dh ni T_T
